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Texas Superman Cop Drives 11 Hours to Illinois to Surprise Sick Boy

Texas Superman Cop Drives 11 Hours to Illinois to Surprise Sick Boy
A Dallas police officer dressed like Superman and drove all the way to Illinois to make a seven-year-old cancer patient feel better.

Since he can't actually fly, this Texas Superman drove 11 hours to Illinois to surprise a seven-year-old cancer patient.

Senior Corporal Damon Cole of the Dallas Police Department is a member of Heroes, Cops and Kids, a group of officers who dress as super heroes to lift the spirits of children in their community.

Cole felt compelled to make the long trip to little Bryce Schottel's home after checking out his Facebook page; Schottel has been fighting lymphatic cancer since February, and only super heroes have been able to bring a smile to his face before each round of chemotherapy.

The officer gave the boy a Superman cape, action figure, and a ride in his Superman-mobile. Cole said the child's reaction was "the best ever."


Before leaving, Cole pulled a second costume change, dressing up as Iron Man to blow bubbles, play cards and battle it out in video games.

"There's not a lot of people in this world that do anything like this anymore, who are so selfless and generous," mom Regina Carlton told ABC News. "It was a complete stranger who made that trip to make my son smile.

(WATCH the heartwarming video below or READ more, w/ photos, at KDAF)

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