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The 'Coziest Taxi' is Giving Free Rides to Commuters Weary From the Cold (Check Out the Inside…)

The 'Coziest Taxi' is Giving Free Rides to Commuters Weary From the Cold (Check Out the Inside…)
This UK taxi cab has been decked out with an imitation fireplace, furry rugs, throw blankets, and slippers in order to help its passengers unwind.

Most taxis aren't designed with extreme comfort or decoration in mind, but this London cab is being hailed as the "world's coziest taxi".

The one-of-a kind taxi has been decked out to resemble a country log cabin so Brits can feel better about going to work on chilly February mornings.

The interior is almost unrecognizable from an ordinary London black cab, with blue velvet curtains hanging on the windows and screen divider.


An imitation fireplace has even been mounted to the passenger-side door accompanied by a stack of logs to complete the effect.

The mobile log cabin - which was created by UK boiler manufacturer Baxi - is now available for booking via their Twitter page.

"This winter has seen some really chilly mornings, and even as we head towards March, it doesn't seem to be improving," said Baxi's marketing manager Sian Lewis.

"Our taxi will help people have a cozy experience on the way to work, making them feel as warm as they were wrapped up in their duvet that morning."


Other decorative touches inside the cab include a stag's head mounted on the centre head rest to create a real "country cabin" feel; wooden lanterns giving off soft ambient light from the floor and walls; sumptuous cushions on the seats and floor; and luxurious wool throws.

To complete the experience, passengers are even given a pair of sheepskin slippers to give their feet the best possible start to the day.

Following its London debut, the cab will be traveling up and down the country offering free lifts in cities across the UK including Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham.


Ahead of its launch, some lucky pedestrians were given the chance to take the Baxi Taxi for a ride

"It was so nice. They had slippers! I've never taken my shoes off in a taxi before," said 33-year-old Linda Joubert. "The fire made me feel warm. It's the coziest cab I've ever stepped into. A brilliant ride."

55-year-old Clive Woods added: "I was completely shocked. I wondered what was different when it pulled up and then I got inside."


To book a free ride, passengers need to Tweet at with their postcode and preferred pick up time.

"Getting a cab rather than walking or taking public transport can often feel like an unnecessary luxury," said Lewis. "But because ours won't cost a penny, it means commuters can ride in absolute comfort, totally guilt-free.

"We've used all of our boiler and heating know-how to make a small space feel as warm and inviting as possible - with fantastic results."


The Baxi Taxi will be appearing in towns and cities across the UK starting today on February 25th.

Bookings will be available between 10am and 2pm and will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.

(WATCH the passenger reactions below)

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