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Happy National Wine Day! Survey Explains What Drinking Red vs. White Says About Your Personality

Happy National Wine Day! Survey Explains What Drinking Red vs. White Says About Your Personality
If you prefer a specific kind of wine over another, it might say something interesting about your personality.

A charming new survey of 2,000 American wine drinkers suggests that there might be more to the contents of your wine glass than just the color.

The survey, which was conducted in celebration of National Wine Day on May 25th,  looked at the differences in personality traits between those who drink red wine and those who prefer white.

Commissioned by Coravin and conducted by OnePoll, the results revealed that white wine drinkers are more likely to be night owls, extroverts, and fans of punk music. White wine drinkers were also more likely to describe themselves as curious, sarcastic, and perfectionists.

On the other hand, red wine drinkers were more likely to be introverts who enjoy traveling and watching Game of Thrones.

Furthermore, red wine drinkers were more likely to describe themselves as adventurous, humble, and organized. They were also more likely to identify as early birds, jazz fans, and "wine aficionados" (45% vs. 31%).

PROFILE OF RED WINE DRINKERS • More likely to be a "wine aficionado" • Early bird • Introvert • Prefer dogs to cats • Listen to jazz music • More likely to identify as adventurous, humble and organized • Willing to spend slightly more per bottle ($40)

In addition to looking at the differences in personality, the survey also examined each groups' knowledge when it came to drinking and tasting wine, as well as hosting and attending events.

It found that red wine drinkers had the knowledge to back up their claim of "wine aficionado" — they were more likely to know how to correctly hold a wine glass (73% vs. 65%), know what "tannins" are (53% vs. 45%) and know how long it takes for wine to oxidize (64% vs. 54%).

They were also more likely to consider it a turnoff if a date wasn't knowledgeable about wine (46% vs. 40%), and were willing to spend slightly more on wine — averaging $40 a bottle.

PROFILE OF WHITE WINE DRINKERS • Less likely to be a "wine aficionado" • Night owl • Extrovert • Prefer cats to dogs • Listen to punk music • More likely to identify as identify as curious, sarcastic, and perfectionist • Willing to spend slightly less per bottle ($37)

The average respondent reported drinking four glasses of wine per week, and their favorite place to drink — regardless of wine preference — was found to be at home (72%). But 62% will forego drinking a glass of wine after work or with dinner because they don't want to open a new bottle.

In addition to drinking in the comfort of their own home, the survey found that 49% of respondents enjoy drinking wine at events or gatherings more drinking at a bar.

While at an event, three-quarters will drink what everyone else is drinking, even if they'd prefer something else.

Read more fun stories about wine (like how to choose Orange wine on Halloween) on Good News Network.

Let's Have A Toast To Good News And Friendship By Sharing Wine Day on Social Media…

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