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After Covid and Cancer, Couple Finally Gets to Be Married - Thanks to Speedy Robotic Surgery

After Covid and Cancer, Couple Finally Gets to Be Married - Thanks to Speedy Robotic Surgery
After Covid and Cancer, this couple finally gets married, thanks to an innovative robotic surgery performed at The Christie cancer centre.

After the COVID-19 pandemic and cancer delayed a young couple's wedding day twice, the third time will surely be a 'lucky' charm, thanks to an innovative robotic surgery.

Paul Hutchinson is tying the knot with fiancée Lisa Bamforth at St. John's church in Lancashire today following an innovative procedure performed at a Manchester cancer center, The Christie.

Thought to be the first of its kind in the UK, it allowed the groom diagnosed with testicular cancer to make it to the church-finally.

The traditional treatment for his cancer which spread to his abdominal lymph nodes, would have involved major abdominal surgery necessitating intensive care, a seven day stay in hospital and a recovery time of several months.

Paul was considered a good candidate for the pioneering robotic treatment which involves keyhole surgery, directed by a surgeon and performed by the intricate robotic machinery.

His hospital stay of just 48 hours and a home recovery of just a few weeks let Paul prepare for the big day with his fiancée and his two daughters.

"I genuinely didn't think we could go ahead with the wedding as I was convinced I would not be well enough," Paul told The Christie. "The incredible robotic operation has dramatically reduced my recovery time and left me feeling fit and well."

The veteran can also get back to his job as an engineer within weeks-making a honeymoon the only other consideration.

Lisa says she fought back the tears when the surgeon rang to tell her about the procedure's success.

"I am so relieved that Paul's surgery is complete and that he had the opportunity to be treated in this incredible way. The news that he needed this operation, after successfully undergoing chemotherapy and surgery in 2014, came completely out of the blue and we thought we would have to cancel the wedding again.

"It is going to be the most special day ever and can't wait to celebrate at the reception with our family and friends."

"This will be actually be our third attempt at getting married as COVID has played its part in us having to rearrange everything."

Aziz Gulamhusein, consultant urological and robotic surgeon at The Christie, said: "This was a first for The Christie as we engaged our state of the art robotic equipment to aid us with the precision required for an intricate procedure as needed for Paul's cancer."

"To be involved in such a highly specialized procedure using the latest technology is an amazing achievement for the team."

Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for metastatic testicular cancer is a commonly performed procedure at The Christie. Due to the position of these lymph nodes deep within the abdomen, the operation is traditionally done via a large open incision with the associated side effects.

The Christie has one of the largest robotic centres in the UK and the aim is to use that experience and expertise to allow more patients to potentially undergo this minimally invasive surgery to treat metastatic testicular cancer. The robot offers a highly magnified, 3D view with intricate instrument dexterity to ensure careful removal of cancerous nodes whilst preserving nerves and offering an enhanced recovery with much shorter convalescence.

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