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Companies That Were 'Naughty And Nice' In 2012

Companies That Were 'Naughty And Nice' In 2012
Consumer Reports unveiled its third annual Naughty & Nice List featuring companies whose policies attracted either nasty stares or gleeful praise. The companies were picked based on specific practices that the magazine's editors and subscribers found particularly worthy of either a thumbs up or thumbs down.

Consumer Reports unveiled its third annual Naughty & Nice List featuring companies whose policies attracted either nasty stares or gleeful praise. The companies were picked based on specific practices that the magazine's editors and subscribers found particularly worthy of either a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down". Facebook fans also joined in voicing their complaints and compliments.

Companies that made the "NICE" list included:

The "Naughty" List of companies included:

Among the remaining seven companies that rated a "thumbs down" are Abe's of Maine, Tiger Direct, and Forever 21, for the penalizing fine print in their return policies; Vonage, for their confusing monthly bill; Spirit Airlines, for charging up to $100 for a bag stowed in the overhead bin and CompUSA for its online ploys to get you to accept a "freebie" software package that actually costs fifty bucks at the end of the month if you don't cancel before the free period expires.

The full Naughty & Nice Lists from this year, 2011 and 2010 are available online at www.ConsumerReports.org/CRNaughtyNice.

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