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Buy Your Coffee to Help 40 Firefighters Who Lost Their Homes in Wildfires

Buy Your Coffee to Help 40 Firefighters Who Lost Their Homes in Wildfires
This Week Only, Buy Your Beans With 10% Off Coupon, and Help Firefighters Rebuild Their Lives...

Thousands of firefighters who in late October were still battling 10 wildfires in California have finally achieved near full containment, but as these brave men and women returned to their families, many of them had no homes. The blazes destroyed thousands of structures, including 40 homes that belonged to firefighters on the front lines of the deadliest fires in the state's history.

We reached out to Luke Schneider, the CEO & Founder of Fire Department Coffee to see how we could help. Besides being a firefighter himself, Luke's company gives back a portion of all sales to fire department charities.

*Buy a Bag of Coffee in This Exclusive 10% Off Sale— with 10% Going to Cal Firefighters!

"As a firefighter, I used to drink coffee just to stay awake and alert, until my wife got me hooked on drinking good coffee," Luke told us. "We started roasting beans together, and decided to give a portion of our sales to firehouse charities—and we love that aspect."

Their experimental blends are a big hit, and the Navy veteran agreed to offer WS readers an extra 10% off their order and, in an exclusive partnership, will also give 10% of the proceeds to the California firefighters who lost their homes. (Note: Discount is applied on the Check-out page)

100% of the charity funds raised through this delicious coffee sale will go toward Go Fund A Hero, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit managed by International Association of Fire Fighters locals from Marin County and Santa Rosa—two of the hardest hit regions.

10 percent of each coffee purchased on sale will be distributed equally among the 40 firefighter families who were victims of the North Bay area fires—with 100% of funds raised for charity going directly to the firefighters, because Fire Department Coffee will deliver a check to GoFundaHero, eliminating the credit card fees associated with giving donations online.

By clicking THIS link, your discount is automatically applied to your order at the Check Out page.

Lend a hand and raise a cup for the awesome firefighters that saved the historic town of Sonoma and surrounding areas of Napa Valley: Order a bag right now.


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