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Disabled Man Gives Free Wheelchairs, New Lives to Rural Mexicans

Disabled Man Gives Free Wheelchairs, New Lives to Rural Mexicans
According to Richard St. Denis, an estimated 75,000 wheelchairs are thrown away in the U.S. every year. The award-winning wheelchair athlete started the World Access Project to provide life-changing mobility to people with disabilities in rural Mexico.

According to Richard St. Denis, an estimated 75,000 wheelchairs are thrown away in the U.S. every year. For people with disabilities in Mexico — who are often unable to leave their homes to get jobs or an education — wheelchairs in any condition can make a world of difference.

The award-winning wheelchair athlete started the World Access Project to provide life-changing mobility to people with disabilities in rural Mexico.

Richard knows firsthand the impact a disability can have on one's life. Paralyzed from the waist down in a skiing accident and confined to a wheelchair, St. Denis didn't allow his accident to cripple his spirit. Through his efforts, hundreds of people have received free mobility equipment and are now more active.

WATCH the CNN Hero video below, or read the story at CNN…

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