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Christmas Spirit Enfolds Korean Tourists During Blizzard -After They Knocked on This Guy's Door

Christmas Spirit Enfolds Korean Tourists During Blizzard -After They Knocked on This Guy's Door
A group of 10 South Korean tourists got a warm welcome in Buffalo after being stranded by a blizzard on Christmas Eve.

A group of South Korean tourists narrowly avoided a ruined vacation, with good fortune swapping it for an unforgettable experience waiting out a blizzard and cooking with a New York family.

Traveling from Niagara Falls to Washington DC, a tour group of 10 South Koreans got stuck in a blizzard near Buffalo. Two of the group went to a local house to ask for a shovel to dislodge their vehicle.

It was Christmas Eve when Alex Campagna heard their frantic knocking on his door. Outside, he recounted on Facebook, was "the worst blizzard I've experienced" and knowing the folly of trying to carry on, he invited them all inside, putting them up on couches, air mattresses, and sleeping bags.

"As a Buffalonian, this is on another level, the Darth Vader of storms," he told the New York Times.

Eager to repay his kindness, the guests cooked several South Korean meals like jeyuk bokkeum, stir-fried pork, and dakdori tang, a spicy chicken stew. As it turns out Campagna and his wife really like Korean food and actually happened to have some of the more extravagant ingredients on hand.

The Times reports they stayed Friday and Saturday. They swapped stories, and even enjoyed some American football matches on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas day drivers came to pick up the tour group and took them to New York for some impromptu flights.

"We have enjoyed this so much," said Choi Yoseob, a member of the group who described the experience as unforgettable and a "unique blessing."

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