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Landscape Company Gives Employees $28 Million in Appreciation Bonuses for Job Well Done

Landscape Company Gives Employees $28 Million in Appreciation Bonuses for Job Well Done
Depending on salary level and tenure with the company, Rupert Landscape gave out $7,000-$200,000 end of year thank you bonuses to workers.

End of year bonuses are always a welcomed sight, but these smiles bear witness to an extraordinary act of corporate generosity.

Ruppert Landscaping gave bonuses of between $7,000 to $200,000 to all employees with a tenure of over one-year, "as a thanks for the role they've played in the company's growth and development."

A total of 1,200 workers, excluding those in top leadership positions, received the enormous thank you presents which added up to be $28 million.

The company says normal end of year bonuses were not deducted or altered by the gifts, which were announced at staff meetings, nor were any of the other benefits which include 401(K) matching, health insurance, paid time off, and holidays.

"Everyone receiving this bonus was instrumental in helping create the value that we've been able to realize," said CEO Craig Ruppert. "This bonus is money that is well-deserved and a way for us to acknowledge the value of our teams' contributions and the essential role that they will play in our company's future."

The company's history dates to the 1970s when Craig Ruppert, then a teenager, began cutting his neighbors' yards to earn money. From those early and humble beginnings, the company has grown dramatically and now includes a talented management team with projects that have grown in scale and complexity.

Residential lawns turned into developments, parks, and corporate campuses, while the focus on hustle and efficiency expanded to include horticultural knowledge and technical specialization. Today, the company serves commercial clients in over nine states from 30 locations, and continues its tradition of charitable giving at the local level.

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