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9-Year-old Boy Gets Big Surprise From Car Company for Feeding Homeless

9-Year-old Boy Gets Big Surprise From Car Company for Feeding Homeless
If you have 24 more hours of a year to do something kind, why not go big? One car company did...

Today Chevrolet is celebrating the extra 24 hours that we have in a Leap Year, by urging people to do something nice for someone–and leading the way by stellar example.

All month, they've been asking the question: "What nice thing could you do for someone who doesn't expect it?"

The auto company has answered the call by giving away new cars –not just to anyone, but a surprise for a family that has been serving the homeless for years.

They heard about nine-year old "Super Ewan" who began at age seven wearing a red cape while bringing food to Detroit folks living on the street. One Saturday every month, his parents help him fulfill his superhero ideals by feeding the less fortunate. (link to gnn in blue)

The boy and his parents were thrilled with the extra gifts for the homeless, but then Ewan got a surprise of his own.

As a reward for his hard work, Chevrolet gifted Super Ewan with a brand spankin' new red Chevy Traverse so he can deliver even more of his goodies to the homeless.

(WATCH the inspiring surprise below)

Chevrolet also gave a new car to a teacher's aide in California, and got celebrities like Kevin Spacey to do something nice for #DayItForward.

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