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Former Students Surprise Their Music Teacher Who Drops to Her Knees in Tears

Former Students Surprise Their Music Teacher Who Drops to Her Knees in Tears
This surprise reunion of a music teacher's chorus brings her to her knees–and will bring tears of appreciation to your eyes for all good teachers.

A music teacher was literally knocked off her feet when two dozen former students appeared in the hallway at school and began singing her praises.

Chorus teacher Gabrielyn Watson thought the cameras were there for an interview she'd agreed to. But they were really there to catch Watson's old students — some who hadn't seen each other in 10 years — come back from around the country to cheer up their favorite teacher who was recently bothered by health problems.

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The makers of Kleenex tissue knew the reunion would be emotional when they arranged the travel – and the cameras – to catch all the tears.

Allie from the Class of '06 described the kind of loyalty felt by the students: "We hear anything to do with Ms. Watson, we're like, ‘We're there.'"

When the teacher walked into her school in Chicago, Peter, from the Class of '05, who is now a thriving entertainer in California, appeared around a corner and began singing "Amazing Grace." Watson thought it was just him, until two more familiar faces appear to form a trio.

The teacher is so overcome, she slumps to the floor.

That's when the rest of the group walk out of doorways along the hall and join in.

"It feels great to feel loved, and, that what you do matters," Watson says after the performance.

Be sure to have tissues handy.

(WATCH the video from Kleenex below and Share The Joy…)

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