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Check Out These Kids Who Totally Kicked Butt in 2016

Check Out These Kids Who Totally Kicked Butt in 2016
Some people might think 2016 has been a bad year, but these young trailblazers used their time to change the world in incredible ways.

This little girl became the founder of a nation-wide organization feeding the homeless thanks to a freakishly large 3rd grade project.

Natalie Hampton knows the feeling of sitting alone in a cafeteria during school lunch time – that's why she created Sit With Us: an innovative app that allows children to coordinate safe places to eat and make new friends.

This 10-year-old girl was tired of strangers giving her dirty looks whenever she needed to use the handicap bathroom, so she designed her own sign to remind them that not all disabilities are visible.

Anushka Naiknaware from Beaverton, Oregon became one of the top eight finalists of an international Google-run science competition after she invented bandages that notify doctors when they needed to be changed.

Honor students are turning plastic shopping bags into "miles of mats" to keep the homeless warm during the cold Michigan winter– and those pesky bags out of the trash.

In this day and age, you don't have to speak each other's language to make new friends – you just need a phone.

This 11-year-old girl has turned her grandmother's flaxseed lemonade recipe into a national business—and she is donating ten percent of the proceeds to saving honey bees.

After Emma Yang's grandmother forgot hers and her dad's birthdays, the cogs in her young brain started to turn – what if there was an app that could help dementia patients keep track of events, faces, dates, and information?

Nine-year-old Tyler Fugett told his mom he wanted to give people who were behind bars at the Montgomery County Jail something to take their minds off their surroundings.

Tyler figured if inmates read, they don't have time to think about doing bad things.

An Irish girl has invented a life-saving sleeping bag for the homeless–with the added benefit of creating jobs for some former street dwellers.

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