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Adorable 5-Year-old Becomes Honorary Cop After Giving Flowers and Hugs to Seniors

Adorable 5-Year-old Becomes Honorary Cop After Giving Flowers and Hugs to Seniors
After he gave hugs, kisses, and roses to all the seniors at three different nursing home, the local police force decided to honor little Officer Oliver.

Officer Oliver Davis may be small and adorable, but he takes his job very seriously.

This pint-sized policeman has made it his job to visit nursing homes in Overland Park, Kansas and give out hugs, roses, and kisses to all the residents.

His kindness doesn't just stop at the elderly – the preschooler is very careful about keeping an eye on the rest of the community as well.

"He wakes up every morning and puts on his uniform and then has to ride his motorcycle rain or shine to check on all of the neighbors. He then has to sit on the street with his radar gun to check for speeders!"

Officer Oliver spreads so much spread love in his town, the local police force gave him an honorary police badge and salute for his kindness.

(WATCH the adorable video below)


Freeze! Click To Share The Sweetness With Your Friends – Photos by Brandi Davis

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