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Canadian Man on Vacation in Florida Serendipitously Saved By Stranger From His Hometown

Canadian Man on Vacation in Florida Serendipitously Saved By Stranger From His Hometown
A Canadian man was on vacation in Florida last month when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest – luckily, he was saved by a stranger from his hometown.

A Canadian man who suffered a heart attack while he was vacationing in Florida was serendipitously saved by a stranger from his very own hometown.

In a strange twist of fate, Sandy MacNeill was walking down a street in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida right when Tom Reddon collapsed onto the sidewalk last month.

Reddon had just embarked on a quick warm-up walk with his friend when he suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

As Reddon's friend called 911, two passing pedestrians ran to find someone who could perform CPR – and luckily, they managed to flag down MacNeill.

Though MacNeill says that he has taken several CPR classes in the past, he had never actually performed the procedure on another person until Reddon.

In a "blur of adrenaline", MacNeill performed nonstop chest compressions on Reddon until paramedics arrived on the scene five minutes later.

After being rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, Reddon was successfully treated for cardiac arrest – and he says that he is apparently very lucky to be alive.

"For my type of [cardiac] arrest, the success rate is not very high, so to have somebody there to immediately call 911, to do CPR and to have a hospital close by … and to have cardiac surgeons on hand to fix me up, I mean, it's amazing that everything fell together so well for me," Reddon told CBC.

It wasn't until later when the two Canadian men were reunited that they realized that they were both from Fredricton, New Brunswick.

"It's freaky," Reddon told the news outlet. "We got along famously well, and I think we'll get together when we get back in Fredericton over a craft beer or two and talk about life and stuff."

(WATCH the interview below) – Photo by Charlotte Reddon

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