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Woman Picks Up Restaurant Tab for 11 High School Prom-Goers: 'You are beautiful inside and out'

Woman Picks Up Restaurant Tab for 11 High School Prom-Goers: 'You are beautiful inside and out'
A group of high school students had a prom night that they will never forget thanks to a random act of kindness from a stranger.

A woman's act of kindness towards a group of Maryland high schoolers has made their senior prom night an evening they will never forget.

Therese De Leon and 10 other students from Clarksburg High School had been dressed to the nines for prom night when they sat down at Ted's Bulletin for dinner last month.

Shortly after they ordered their drinks, their server approached them and said that one of the restaurant's regular customers had seen the group of students and wanted to tell them that they "looked stunning."

Not only that, the woman said she would be paying for their dinner and they should order whatever they want.

At first, Therese and her friends thought it was a joke - but when they realized their server wasn't kidding, their "jaws dropped."

After they finished their meal, they got the server to point out the compassionate woman who had picked up their tab. The teens then went to her table and expressed their gratitude for her kindness.

"What we will never forget were the kind words she left with us," Therese told FOX 5. "Before we left her table she reminded us to 'always love ourselves' and to remember that 'we are beautiful inside and out.'"

never thought this would happen to me...we walk in late for our reservation and after we get our drinks and get seated, the waiter came back and told us this amazing lady said we all looked stunning and paid for our dinner...all 11 of us 🥺 #prom2019 pic.twitter.com/YFjF9ETNdR

Though the youngsters were too emotional to remember to ask for her name, they insisted on taking a picture with her to commemorate the occasion.

Therese later posted the photo to Twitter where it has been shared by various news outlets.

In addition to Therese and her friends promising that they will pay the good deed forward, she also hopes that the media coverage will help to show the woman how much her good deed meant to the students.

"It was refreshing and enlightening to know that there are still kind-hearted people out there," she told the news outlet. "All over Twitter, my friends and I have read about people like this woman who are generous and are genuinely kind to regular people like us. We never would have thought we would be able to experience generosity of this scale."

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