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Businessman Hands Out $1,000 Checks to Every Student and Staffer of Wildfire-Affected California School

Businessman Hands Out $1,000 Checks to Every Student and Staffer of Wildfire-Affected California School
The 90-year-old restauranteur walked into Paradise High School earlier this week so he could hand out $1.1 million in checks to the students and staffers.

When a 90-year-old businessman heard about the devastating effects that the Paradise wildfires had on the city's high school students, he took it upon himself to fly into into town with gifts in tow.

Bob Wilson, who is a restaurant owner and real estate developer based out of San Diego, went to Paradise High School earlier this week with two briefcases filled with checks.

Each check was worth $1,000 – and he gave one to every single high school student and staffer.

With a student body of 980 students and 105 employees, including janitors, teachers, and bus drivers, Wilson gave away a staggering total of $1.1 million.

Wilson had originally been planning on working with local nonprofits to distribute the cash in the form of gift cards, but he eventually settled on hanging out the checks so the students could spend the money more freely.

"I made the decision within two or three minutes of reading the news, that I would like to give these kids something," he told NBC News. "So they could have some good times and I could put a smile on their faces and maybe lift their spirits."

(WATCH the inspiring news coverage below) – Photo by KPIX

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