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Man Saves a Child's Life After He Saw a Woman He Liked in the Bone Marrow Donor Queue

Man Saves a Child's Life After He Saw a Woman He Liked in the Bone Marrow Donor Queue
Not only did Billy Higgins discover he was a match for a sick 10-year-old boy, he also discovered his romantic match standing in line to be a donor.

Billy Higgins is now the "superman" life-saver of a 10-year-old boy thanks to a romantic twist of fate that compelled him to become a bone marrow donor.

Four years ago, young Rupert Cross was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that required him to undergo chemotherapy in a specialist unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital for 80 days straight.

Though the prognosis was dire, the boy is now completely healed after Higgins discovered he was a match for Rupert's bone marrow.

Coincidentally, Higgins was only given the opportunity to donate bone marrow because there was a different kind of match standing in line for the donor register. In an interview with BBC, Higgens said that he hopped in line after seeing a woman who he liked waiting in the queue.

When he registered to be a donor and found out that he was a match for Rupert, he didn't hesitate to undergo the operation for a transplant.

Not only did the woman go on to become Higgins's wife, his bone marrow donation saved Rupert's life – and he hopes that others will be inspired to do the same.

"If you've got that opportunity to provide bone marrow that someone desperately needs, then you have to do that," he told BBC. "It's the right thing to do."

(WATCH the interview below) – Photo by BBC

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