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Burning Man Plans To Revitalize a Depressed San Francisco Neighborhood

Burning Man Plans To Revitalize a Depressed San Francisco Neighborhood
Burning Man isn't just about getting crazy on in the Nevada desert anymore. The organization is now taking on urban revitalization, aiming to fix up a run-down area in San Francisco.

The Burning Man festival — where people meet once-a-year in the Nevada desert for a hedonistic experiment in self-reliance, innovation and art — has spawned a community that has over the years launched many do-good ventures.

The latest project will work on revitalizing a down-and-out area of San Francisco, Burning Man's home city — the Central Market Street corridor that's been pretty much boarded up for 20 years.

The photo shows an art installation going up in May, symbolizing the rebirth of the area.

(READ the story in the Fast Company)

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