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Almost Atop Mt. Everest He Gives Up Quest to Save Fellow Climber

Almost Atop Mt. Everest He Gives Up Quest to Save Fellow Climber
This Brit gave up his dreams of reaching Mount Everest's summit to save a fellow climber who couldn't make it down the mountain by herself.

Just 12 hours away from reaching the summit of Mount Everest, a British military veteran abandoned his ascent to save a fellow climber's life.

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Leslie Binns first saw Sunita Hazra when she was sliding down the mountain, building momentum toward a way station. Binns stopped her slide and saw her oxygen tanks were empty.

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"He's the reason why she is still alive now," Hazra's brother Kingshuk Chatterjee told the BBC. "He is a very brave man."

We would add selflessness to his list of noble qualities.

(READ more at BBC News) — Photo: Leslie BinnsHERO Story, Surely Worth Sharing…

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