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Watch Man Climb Building With Bare Hands to Save Dangling Child

Watch Man Climb Building With Bare Hands to Save Dangling Child
This 2-year-old child may have been done for if it wasn't for Liang Lee – a man with nimble hands and a courageous heart.

Real superheroes do exist – and this one is the closest thing to Spider-Man that you'll ever see.

Because of the security cage surrounding the window, the 2-year-old had gotten his head stuck between the bars – if he had moved his head to the left or right, he would have fallen.

But not on Liang Lee's watch.

Since Liang lived nearby the incident, he heard the cries for help and came running. Using only his bare hands, the hero scaled the building until he reached the youngster's window. By grasping the bars with one hand, he used his other to hoist the boy up and out of the window.

(WATCH the video below)


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