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80-Year-old Bonsai Master Creates Incredible Tiny Forests As a Rebel in the Ancient Art - LOOK

80-Year-old Bonsai Master Creates Incredible Tiny Forests As a Rebel in the Ancient Art - LOOK
Bonsai master Masahiko Kimura creates incredible 'mini forests'. Take a look at them in these videos.

Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed trees.

Masahiko Kimura began creating his first bonsai designs in his mid-teens.

Featuring dead wood sculpted by tools of his own design, they broke traditional rules dating back centuries.

Perhaps Kimura's rebellious rule breaking shouldn't be too surprising: His first dream? To be a rock and roll star.

Over the decades, Kimura's unique style has gone on to become accepted and even revered-with fans nicknaming him "The Magician."

These days Kimura-who is now in his 80s-is one of the country's rare bonsai masters, and he has apprentices all over the globe.

(WATCH the video to tour Kimura's bonsai garden below.)

(MEET Kimura in this interview with the great bonsai master.)

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