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95-Year-old Widowers Who Found Love in The Time of COVID Get Married

95-Year-old Widowers Who Found Love in The Time of COVID Get Married
A pair of 95-year-olds found love in the age of COVID-19, and now John Shults and Joy Morrow-Nulton in New York state are married.

With social distancing and limited face-to-face interaction, dating in the time of coronavirus has proved a challenge for everyone, but when Cupid's dart struck one spirited pair of nonagenarians, they refused to say no to love.

When John Shults, a widower twice over, met Joy Morrow-Nulton who'd also lost two previous spouses, he knew he was smitten—and the feeling was mutual. Unfortunately, it seemed as if the pandemic was conspiring to keep the would-be lovers apart.

While it took some doing, the upstate New York couple continued to pursue their mutual attraction despite COVID-19's shelter-in-place protocols. "She was worth it. It was a pain in the neck, though," John quipped to CBS's Steve Hartman during a segment of On the Road.

Eventually, after receiving their vaccinations, and with restrictions lifting, the pair was finally able to get back to the business of courtship. The more time they spent together, the stronger their bond grew until John, being an old-fashioned gentleman, finally proposed.

Joy accepted. When the couple wed in a recent ceremony, both the bride and groom were 95.

In traditional romance sagas, the hunky hero and the spunky heroine must face a gauntlet of obstacles before finally arriving at their happy ending. For John and Joy, it didn't take being young or hunky to find true love, but being spunky sure paid off.

When asked what was the key to his dad and new stepmom's successful romance, Shults' son Pete had a ready answer: "Perseverance," he told Hartman. "They'd call every day. They'd find a way to get together. They did whatever it took."

Proving that if you have the courage to follow your heart, you're never too old to say, "I do!"

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