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After Finding Heart-wrenching Note in Mailbox, Neighbor Saves 90-Year-old Woman From Loneliness

After Finding Heart-wrenching Note in Mailbox, Neighbor Saves 90-Year-old Woman From Loneliness
Ever since receiving that moving letter, Marlene Brooks has kept it with her at all times as a reminder that everyone needs to be loved.

It has been five months since Marlene Brooks received the letter that changed her life – and since reading that letter, she has changed dozens of other lives for the better.

Brooks, who lives in Park Hills, Missouri, found a letter in her mailbox from down the street back in April. The letter read: "Mrs. ? Would you consider being my friend? I'm 90 years old, live alone, and all my friends have passed away. I am so lonesome and scared. Please, I pray for someone."

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Upon reading the heart-wrenching note, Brooks paid a visit to the 90-year-old neighbor – and she now visits Mills four times a week. The result is now a life-changing friendship.

Even though Mills now lives in a nursing home, Brooks stops by for daily visits with her kids and husband for extra company.

Brooks's relationship with Mills has also spurred her to start Pen Pals For Seniors – an organization dedicated to ending the isolation of lonely elders by pairing them with pen pals.

(WATCH the heartwarming video below)

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