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Stories That Matter

Now is the Moment of Power

Now is the Moment of Power
We heal each other all the time, and don't even realize that we're doing it. Healing comes out of a very simple realization: knowing your life matters to another person, and connecting to something larger and unseen.

"We heal each other all the time, and don't even realize that we're doing it."

Healing comes out of a very simple human relationship – knowing your life matters to another person, and connecting to something larger and unseen. A great example of this was given to me via email shortly after I posted the above quote somewhere online:

This quote particularly reminds me of something that happened to me at one of the darkest times in my life – nearly twenty years ago now – I went crazy and was hospitalized. I was terrified.

As I was being taken up to the ward in the elevator one of the two attendants said to me, "Your name's Dave? My name's Dave too…Don't worry – you'll be alright – we'll take good care of you."

This simple kindness from a fellow human being had a major impact on me.

As the saying goes, "Don't miss a chance to be kind – you don't know how many chances you've got left."

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