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Baby Elephant Chasing Birds is Only Video You Need on World Ele Day

Baby Elephant Chasing Birds is Only Video You Need on World Ele Day
On World Elephant Day, what's more appropriate than watching a baby elephant discovering baby birds for the first time...

In honor of World Elephant Day, we are trumpeting the best videos on the web showing these adorable babies using their trunks to play.

No matter how many you watch, nothing beats this video (above) of a baby elephant discovering baby birds for the first time.

If you want more—and how could you not—check out these other elephant babies at play:

At the Elephant Nature Park juveniles regularly engage in cute behavior. Watch Faa Mai enjoying her playtime with a steaming ribbon.

Baby MeBai was only three years old when taken from her mother, Mae Yui, and forced to give rides to tourists in Thailand. Too young and small for the job, the young animal steadily lost weight until she could no longer carry passengers. Elephant Nature Park stepped in, rescuing MeBai with their "Pamper a Pachyderm" program. The reunion with its mother was a lovefest of touching and cuddling.  (READ More here)

Trumpet These to Your Friends on World Elephant Day… (click below)

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