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Stressed-Out Americans Only Get 43 Minutes of 'Me Time' Per Day, But Solution May Lie in Their Backyards

Stressed-Out Americans Only Get 43 Minutes of 'Me Time' Per Day, But Solution May Lie in Their Backyards
If you want to get more healthy relaxation time, this new survey says that you should start going out into your backyard.

Struggling to find a little "me time"? You're far from alone because the average American only gets five hours of "me time" in a week - that's just 43 minutes a day.

In addition to a lack of "me time", a new poll examining where and how people like to unwind found the average person only gets into their ideal headspace 3.5 days a week, so it's no surprise that one in four wouldn't describe themselves as "relaxed."

The results from a survey of 2,000 people found that current events, jobs, partners, kids, and too much noise are the top five things that prevent people from getting enough R&R.

Frequent stressors can quickly turn a day sour. Three in four people admitted that if they don't have time to get in a good headspace with some "me time," it negatively affects their mood.

75% of people wish they spent more time outdoors and 20% admit they don't use their own outdoor space enough.

There are so many benefits to relaxing outside, rather than inside. Medical research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce symptoms of mental and physical ailments and boost the body's production of immune cells and cancer-fighting proteins. Other studies show that spending just 20 minutes in nature can greatly reduce a person's stress levels - and people who live close to birds and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress.

The research conducted by OnePoll on behalf of POLYWOOD also found that a quarter of those surveyed revealed that they aren't even home during daylight hours to spend time on the deck or patio.

Moreover, many are deterred from hanging outside by the shabby state of their outdoor spaces. Almost three in 10 described their lawn or deck furniture as "worn down" while one in 5 would be embarrassed to have guests over with their yard as it currently sits.

When asked how people wanted to improve their yards, respondents said more plants and flowers (53%), new furniture (40%), new deck/patio (29%) and power washing the exterior (28 percent).

"I think (it's) human nature to be outdoors," said interior designer Angelo Adamo from POLYWOOD. "For us to be inside all the time, it's just awkward, it's unorthodox. We need to spend more time outdoors."

"Decorating and designing the outdoor like you're designing your indoor space is a trend that's gaining momentum and I think will be here to stay," added Farah Merhi, Founder of Inspire Me! Home Decor. "The backyard is becoming an extension of the indoors."

TO DO LIST FOR OUTDOOR SPACE Plant flowers - 53% Replace furniture - 40% Mow lawn - 32% Weed garden/replace deck - 29% Power wash - 28% Hire landscapers - 19%

REASONS PEOPLE AREN'T OUTSIDE MORE Weather - 51% Work - 36% Household chores - 32% Not home in daylight - 23% Kids - 21% Don't like outdoors - 10%

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