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How One Website Helped 2,000 Vets Launch New Careers And Find a New Mission

How One Website Helped 2,000 Vets Launch New Careers And Find a New Mission
Silentprofessionals.org, a career services platform for US military combat veterans has placed over 2,000 vets in private security sector jobs.

Susan Gonzales knows firsthand how difficult it can be for American military veterans to find work after combat. She's a West Point graduate and military intelligence official who transitioned into the private sector, but she watched as people around her struggled to find work that aligned with their unique skills and experience.

That's why she created Silentprofessionals.org, a career services platform focused on US military combat veterans seeking job placement and career growth in the private security sector.

In just over a year since its start, Silent Professionals has placed more than 2,000 combat veterans in jobs all around the world, including corporate security and executive protection roles for high net worth clients.

Each client and candidate is evaluated individually and separately. The team then offers recommendations at no extra cost. This builds trust and ensures candidates are given a firm foundation for success.

"Even though Silent Professionals may look like just a job board on the surface, it is so much more," said Gonzales. "What we created is a nexus of trust. There are actually people behind the platform who have the experience in these types of jobs. We understand where they are coming from, we understand their experiences."

"We even know the people they've worked with because we all share the same networks."

Gonzales also told Good News Network that her platform will soon be using Artificial Intelligence to improve how clients and candidates are partnered.

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