Over in Brazil, a young environmentalist named Amarildo Silva Filho has been turning discarded tires into beds for stray dogs and cats.
Although common sense dictates it's best to let sleeping dogs lie, nowhere is it written that they can't do so with a touch of panache. And if the beds they lie in are a boost to the environment and give comfort to homeless pets? So much the better.
That's just what Brazilian artist, environmentalist, and animal lover Amarildo Silva Filho was inspired to do after coming across a pile of used tires in his neighborhood a few years ago.
Where some saw trash, Silva Filho saw an opportunity for upcycling treasure that wound up making a world of difference to stray cats and dogs.
After collecting the tires and giving them a thorough cleaning, Silva Filho put his artistic vision to work fashioning personalized pet beds.
Once the custom paint jobs were complete, with the addition of hand-sewn mattresses, the colorful comfy cots were ready to be distributed to local shelters.
That's just what Brazilian artist, environmentalist, and animal lover Amarildo Silva Filho was inspired to do after coming across a pile of used tires in his neighborhood a few years ago.
Where some saw trash, Silva Filho saw an opportunity for upcycling treasure that wound up making a world of difference to stray cats and dogs.
After collecting the tires and giving them a thorough cleaning, Silva Filho put his artistic vision to work fashioning personalized pet beds.
Once the custom paint jobs were complete, with the addition of hand-sewn mattresses, the colorful comfy cots were ready to be distributed to local shelters.
Silva Filho's recycled masterpieces proved so popular, a niche market of eco-conscious pet owners sprang up as well.
Amarildo Silva Filho, Caminhas Pets/Facebook
To meet the growing demand, he launched Caminhas Pets—and has since gone on to hand-craft more than 6,000 pet beds.
To prepare each tire, he cleans them, cuts off the tops with a jigsaw, covers the hole at the bottom with plywood, and then sews his own cushions to make them cozy. He paints and stencils each one with bright colors.
Amarildo Silva Filho, Caminhas Pets/Facebook
While retail sales have helped sustain his efforts, the majority of Silva Filho's creations have gone to animals in need.
"The only way to do a great job is to love what you do," he was quoted as saying by My Modern Met.
Amarildo Silva Filho, Caminhas Pets/Facebook
From what Amarildo's accomplished so far, it's clear he loves what he does quite a lot—and that's great news for every one of the animals he's helped.
(WATCH a video to see how he makes them…)
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