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95-Year-old Smashes 200m World Record: 'Bodies Can be Rebuilt at Any Age'

95-Year-old Smashes 200m World Record: 'Bodies Can be Rebuilt at Any Age'
A 95-year-old retired dentist has set a new world record for his age group in the 200 meter indoor sprint, knocking a massive 2.4 seconds off the previous record. But he's only been running for a few years. Bodybuilding and never retiring, says Charles Eugster, are the secrets to his success.

A 95-year-old former dentist has set a new world record for his age group in the 200-meter indoor sprint, knocking a massive 2.4 seconds off the previous record. He's only been running for a few years; bodybuilding and never retiring, says Charles Eugster, are the secrets to his success.

The medal-winning rower, runner, and body builder, finally took up serious bodybuilding when he was 87, having looked in the mirror and disliking what he saw.

"I'm very vain," he told the Telegraph two years ago. "I hoped getting fit would stop me aging."

But, today he insists, "I'm not chasing youthfulness. I'm chasing health.


The Swiss resident, who speaks three languages, laments, "People have been brainwashed to think that after you're 65, you're finished."

"We're told that old age is a continuous state of decline, and that we should stop working, slow down and prepare to die," he wrote on his celebrity Facebook Page. "I disagree."

Eugster's intense weight training has shown him that bodies can be rebuilt at any age — even in your 90s.

"I want to change the world," he told Sportvibe.tv. "I want to make old age something wonderful, stupendous, glorious… interesting, exciting… the best part of one's life."

He started sprinting in his 90s and enjoys it because it is new and different. His latest record-breaking performance came at a British Masters Athletics meet on Sunday when he ran the 200m race in 55.48 seconds.

He is currently writing a book and engaging in many media appearances. Read more about him on his website, and view his Tedx Talk here.

(WATCH him break the record below, and interview with SportsVibe.tv) – Photo used with the permission of charleseugster.net

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