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Store Manager Camps in Parking Lot To Serve Meals to Battling Firefighters

Store Manager Camps in Parking Lot To Serve Meals to Battling Firefighters
A Canadian woman spent a week camped out in her store's parking lot so she could feed firefighters who are tirelessly battling wildfires in Saskatchewan.

As wildfires rage in the forests of northern Saskatchewan, one store manager has decided to keep her doors open to feed hungry firefighters, even if it means sleeping in her camper to do it.

As long as local firefighters continue working to save "the most beautiful part of Saskatchewan," Margaret Floch says she will fight for them, too.

"It's not just for me, it's for the entire community," Floch told CBC News.


Her generosity and community spirit have inspired the locals and kept morale up through trying times. Though her store has lost money, she and a handful of her employees have been using food they couldn't sell to feed hungry firefighters — including an outdoor barbecue for 300 heroes over the weekend.

This past Saturday the #LaRonge Co-op Marketplace was able to host a burger #BBQ for EMS personnel. #skfires pic.twitter.com/uw8c0sHCnb


The Saskatchewan government‘s Facebook page has shown images of firefighters using the store's parking lot as a staging area as they set out to battle the fires around the town of La Ronge.

We're hoping for grey skies in town as light rain is expected in the area for the next few days—meanwhile, Floch's employees have started restocking their shelves.

(READ more at the CBC) — Photo: Saskatchewan Government, Facebook — Story Tip: Murray Lindsay

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