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3 Heartwarming Scenes of Europe Cheering for Refugees Arriving by Bus (WATCH)

3 Heartwarming Scenes of Europe Cheering for Refugees Arriving by Bus (WATCH)
The willingness of Germans and Austrians to provide sanctuary and aid appeared to be boundless, as thousands arrived from Syria by bus and train.

In the last two weeks, the willingness of German and Austrian residents to provide sanctuary and aid appeared to be boundless, as thousands of refugees fleeing Syria arrived by bus and train.

The eagerness to help is so great in Munich that the city has been "obliged to draw up waiting lists for volunteers who want to assist," according to the Independent.

"Spontaneously hundreds of ordinary citizens came to the station in support, welcoming the arrivals with applause." wrote Elke, a student in Munich to friends overseas. "They bring food and drinks, toys, and whatever else they have to give to people who have nothing."

"The police, municipality and really all of us are overwhelmed-not by the refugees but by the help and care this created."

The Munich mayor as described the outpouring of support as having a soothing effect on the city.

Check out the welcoming spirit in these videos…

Cheering crowds give refugees a warm welcome in Frankfurt, Germany

Remembering the Children that Arrive

Cheering in Germany

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