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After 1,300 Years Gone, the Fabled Lynx Could Return to UK Wilderness

After 1,300 Years Gone, the Fabled Lynx Could Return to UK Wilderness
Lynx Trust UK has just applied for a permit to reintroduce the lynx to Kielder Forest in Northumberland.

For the first time in over 1,000 years, the lynx could be reintroduced to the wilderness of the British Isles.

Lynx Trust UK has submitted a permit to Natural England – the nation's governmental department for environmental issues – for a 5-year trial run of the species' reintroduction. If approved, the organization could be granted permission to release 6 to 10 lynx into Kielder Forest in Northumberland.

Lynx Trust UK believes that by reintroducing the wildcats to the area, their diet will primarily consist of deer, rather than local livestock. However, conservationists say that farmers will be compensated for any sheep or cattle that are harmed by lynx.

The Lynx UK Trust website states: "Of course, predicting precisely how lynx will live here is impossible, and the reason why a trial, monitored in great detail, is so important, however it can also be said that the lynx is extremely consistent in most things, and we expect to only see minor variances in behavior (for example, we expect relatively small territories with a relatively high proportion of deer in diet, because of the high density of deer in the UK).

Additionally, the lynx reintroduction could bring in millions of dollars worth of tourism for local businesses.

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