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NH University Uses Landfill Gas to Power Green Graduation

The University of New Hampshire is the first in the nation to receive most of its heat and electricity from landfill gas. It showcased the achievement at the eco-themed graduation ceremony Saturday. The university has celebrated its efforts to be green by using gas from a landfill to power the loudspeakers at its commencement and turning leftover food from the ceremony into compost.

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World's Smallest Frog Discovered in Papua

A frog species that appears to be the world's smallest has been discovered in Papua New Guinea by a US-based team. Finding the frog was not an easy assignment. Sitting on a dime with much room to spare, Paedophryne amauensis, lives in leaf litter on the forest floor

Tree Kangaroos Saved as Villagers Sign Rainforest Conservation Deal

Papua New Guinea has created its first conservation area to save an area of pristine rainforest larger than Singapore and protect rare animals like the adorable tree kangaroo, conservationists said on Tuesday. Under the conservation plan, 35 villages representing 10,000 people have pledged to create a safe zone for forests and wildlife.

Nevada Man Plans Peace Bike Ride Across Iran

Six years ago Rick Gunn, 49, left his job to cycle across the world. He also met up with Iranian-born cyclist Mohammad Tajeran to cross Malaysia as a team. Now, the two are planning to reunite next month to ride their bikes across Iran in a symbolic gesture of peace.

Sewage-Sniffing Dogs Locate Trouble Spots Along Milwaukee River

Canines have a sense of smell 1,000 times better than humans. Now, Milwaukee Riverkeepers has partnered with Environmental Canine Services to sniff and test over 50 manholes around Milwaukee. If the dogs hit on a spot, underground pipes are tested and water samples sent to the Great Lakes Water Institute for analysis.

Free Laptops Arrive for Kids in Mali (Video)

Children in rural Mali are being given the opportunity to develop their computer skills. Computer technology has arrived in one of Mali's rural villages providing children with access to laptops for the first time. The pilot program was launched in November, thanks to the charity, One Laptop Per Child.

Mali Locals Saved Some Ancient Manuscripts from Islamists

Preservationists guarding Timbuktu's centuries-old artifacts said that in a large-scale rescue operation early last year, shortly before Islamist militants seized control of the city, thousands of manuscripts were hauled out of the Ahmed Baba Institute to a safe house elsewhere.