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Showing 2005 - 2016 of 2,967 Posts
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Ethiopian Child Mortality, Malnutrition Rates Slashed in Half

Ethiopia has more than halved its child mortality rates since 1990 through campaigns to increase the number of health workers and clinics throughout the country, government and aid officials said on Friday. The number of health posts has surged to more than 9,000 in 2011 from a handful in 2004 with priority shifted towards food-insecure areas, UNICEF said.

Saving US Grasslands: Turning Back the Clock on Desertification

As grasslands diminish on prairies and savannas around the world, an innovative ranching technique that reverses the environmental damage of desertification makes its way to the US. For a rancher whose livelihood depended on those diminishing grasslands, it was an oncoming economic and ecological disaster in slow motion. But in Colorado, the grass came back lush and green.

Vast Aquifer Found in Namibia Could Last for Centuries

A newly discovered water source in Namibia could have a major impact on development in the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the BBC, estimates suggest the aquifer could supply the north of the country for 400 years at current rates of consumption.

Dramatic Downward Trend in Rapes

The Justice Department’s latest annual National Crime Victimization Survey of the United States estimates that rapes and attempted rapes fell more than 80 percent from 1973 through 2004