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Big Vatican Christmas Tree to Be Recycled Into Toys for Needy

The largest Christmas tree ever to be placed in St Peter's Square in Rome was lit on Saturday and Vatican officials said all the wood from the 120-year-old tree will be recycled to make toys for needy children and garden furniture such as benches for schools. The decision to recycle the wood from the tree was the Vatican's latest effort to go green.

Theologians Converge on Brazil to Envision a Sustainable World

Theologians from around the world are converging on Belém, near the mouth of the Amazon River in northeast Brazil, to develop a theology for the "sustainability of life on Earth". The meeting of the World Forum on Theology and Liberation January 21-25 comes in advance of the World Social Forum, a global gathering addressing exploitative globalization.

Muslims Encouraging Christmas Celebrations in UK Schools

"Muslim leaders join the U.K. Commission for Equality and Human Rights in urging Britons to enjoy Christmas, and not worry about offending non-Christians. The urging comes amid reports of schools cancelling nativity plays in order not to offend Muslims and students of other religions."

Bishops Urge Cutting Back on Carbon for Lent

Bishops in London and Liverpool are championing a new kind of 40-day fast calling on Britons to cut back on carbon, rather than chocolate or alcohol, for the Christian period of Lent this year.