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Showing 865 - 876 of 1,019 Posts

11-Year-Old Cancer Patient Lives Pop Star Dream

It was a star-studded night. After recording her new song at Rotation Records, Amy Hosmer left the studio. She was greeted by about 75 enthusiastic fans. She smiled shyly and thanked everyone for coming. Not what we'd expect from a rock star. But Amy isn't a typical star.

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Cast-Out Boy in New School Becomes Beloved as 'The Doorman'

Bullied every day for years because of his lisp, Josh moved to London, Ontario, in 2011. Determined not to be put in a box by his new classmates, the remarkable young man dramatically changed the trajectory of his life with one small idea: he would hold open the door at school each day. He held the door open for hundreds of teenagers that first morning - and every morning since. At first they didn't know what to make of the stranger, but then, something happened.

Teen Starts Website to Help Fight Bullying Among Girls

After witnessing a close friend suffering through cyber bullying, 14 year old Azariah Brown decided to do something about it. She founded a website for teenage girls called, Love Share Care. She wanted a social online hangout where adolescent girls 13-17 can share photos, post status updates, and send love shouts.

12-Year-old Boys Save Drowning Fisherman in New Zealand

It was hope in the form of a 12-year-old boy that saved Vincent Shao from sinking beneath the waves and drowning at Waihi Beach on Saturday. I thought I was going to die, the 32-year-old Auckland resident said after he lost his footing in waist-deep water while checking crab pots, and succumbed to a rip current.

Special Needs Middle School Girl Leads Campaign to Help Police

Born premature, Erin Baur (pictured, left) has learning, hearing and speech disabilities. She also has a passion for dogs. The Ohio middle schooler learned that Chief Powalie of Painesville Police Department would like a new K9 because his current K9 will be retiring soon, so she set out to raise $11,000 and rally a community.

8-Year-old Girl Wouldn't Stop Until Old Soldier Got His Medals

When elderly veteran Charles Mowbray came to her primary school to talk about his experience in World War II, Leanna Morris wondered why he didn't bring his medals. He only brought pictures of medals. When she learned it was because her government forgot to send them, she wrote a letter to her senator. This week the girl was honored at a school assembly. The letter had worked.