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6-Year-Old Girl Gives Mom Inspiring Life Lesson After Parental Fight

6-Year-Old Girl Gives Mom Inspiring Life Lesson After Parental Fight
After hearing her parents fight, this adorable little girl delivers a stunningly-wise lecture about the importance of being kind to one another.


"I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to do my best in my heart."

[CORRECTION: we originally reported that the little girl's parents were divorced, however have now found the original post with the correct information.]

A little girl named Tiana gave her mom a heartwarming talking-to about why it's important to be nice to one another. After her parents had a squabble over a shoe rack falling off the wall, the tiny genius asked whether her mother was ready to be friends with her dad and explained a little lesson about life that we can all learn from.

"If I can be nice, then I think all of us can be nice too," she says wisely in the video above.

Is this tyke going to grow up to be the next Dr. Phil? She should start a new Web series, "Stairway Talks"

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