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NYC Programmer Offers to Teach Bright Homeless Guy to Code

Every day on his way to work Patrick McConlogue passes a young man who lives on the streets. Last week, McConlogue, a New York City entrepreneur, programmer and designer, decided to offer the man a choice: Either he could accept $100 in cash, or he could learn how to code and be given three books on JavaScript, a used laptop and free lessons for one hour each day.

UPDATED: Born Without Arms, Legs, Nick Vujicic Gets Married

One of the most inspiring people in the world, Nick Vujicic, a well-known motivational speaker born without arms or legs, got married in February. He and his 25-year-old wife were married on Valentine's Day and the couple recently reported they are expecting their first child.

Photo of Marine Wife Carrying Amputee Husband Goes Viral

A photo of a U.S. Marine's wife carrying her wounded warrior husband has gone viral. When Jesse and Kelly Cottle went to the beach, the family photographer snapped this one after Jesse removed both prosthetics and Kelly carried him down to the water. They had no idea what would happen when the photo was posted online to Facebook.

Chicago Tribune Sends Pizzas and Thanks to Boston Globe Newsroom

On Monday, the newspaper staff that had been working overtime in Boston to cover the tragic events of their city found a welcome gift from fellow journalists in a thousand miles away. The Chicago Tribune staff overwhelmed them with pizzas delivered at noontime along with a nice note, We can only imagine what an exhausting and heartbreaking week it's been for you and your city.... We can't buy you lost sleep, so at least let us pick up lunch.

Strangers Give Young Fiancé His Dying Wish: A Disney Honeymoon

Four years ago, Nolan was diagnosed with brian cancer. After many treatments and interventions, doctors say they can do no more for him. Despite his terrible illness, the determined athlete still wants to marry his fiancée and take her on a honeymoon to Disney World. The couple was left dirt poor from major health bills so a fundraising page at GiveForward.com was set up to ask for donations. Strangers responded in a big way.