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Innovative 'PillPack' Sorts Daily Pills to Make it Easy for Elderly

Innovative 'PillPack' Sorts Daily Pills to Make it Easy for Elderly
A new medication management service started by a pharmacist's son promises no more traveling to pharmacies, sorting pillboxes, or chasing down refills.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 50% of Americans fail to take medicines as prescribed.

That statistic led a young entrepreneur and pharmacist's son, TJ Parker, to come with up a better alternative. His medication management service eliminates some of the hassles that arise when patients are given multiple prescriptions– traveling to the pharmacy, sorting pillboxes for time and date, and chasing down prescription refills.

"We started PillPack to eliminate this frustration and replace it with a simple end-to-end experience," said the California company's CEO.


The company delivers personalized packets of pre-sorted medicines and vitamins to your home labeled with the exact date and time you need to take them.

(WATCH the video from NBC News below) – Story tip from carilyn 

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