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Jeanne Goddard

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Teens Trained as 'Young Doctors' Help Tackle D.C.'s Poverty Problem

"Washington, D.C. has one of the highest concentrations of graduate degrees in the country. It's a place full of smart, wealthy and educated people. It also has the highest poverty rate of any U.S. city, and the youth feel it especially badly," says CNN. Some D.C. startups and local organizations like Young Doctors DC have stepped forward to fill the void.

Cuba Throws Lifeline to Sea Turtles

Cuba has thrown a lifeline to the Caribbean's endangered and critically endangered marine turtles with a government resolution ending all harvesting of marine turtles. Such a resolution, ending Cuba's long standing harvest of 500 critically endangered hawksbill turtles a year, has been sought by conservationists for more than a decade. It will benefit turtles hatching […]

Cuba's Urban Farming Program a Stunning Success

"Cuba's urban farming program has been a stunning, and surprising, success. The farms, many of them on tiny plots now supply much of Cuba's produce while also providing 350,000 jobs nationwide with relatively high pay."

Cuba Agrees To Free 52 Political Prisoners, Says Church

Cuba has promised the Roman Catholic Church it will free 52 political prisoners, slashing the number held by nearly a third in what would be the communist-led island's largest release of dissidents since Pope John Paul II visited in 1998.

Fidel Castro Says Cuban Communist Model Doesn't Work

In the only interview he has given an American journalist since he left office, Fidel Castro told a reporter from The Atlantic magazine that Cuba's communist economic model doesn't work -- even for Cuba.

Travel Restrictions Lifted in Cuba Signaling Sea Change of Hope

Many of the 11 million Cubans have been eagerly awaiting this day since the government announced the change in October. Starting Monday, a new kind of migration commences as the communist government eliminates a long-standing restriction on Cubans' ability to leave the country.

Honey Bees Hunt for Land Mines in Croatia

Swarms of honey bees buzz over Croatian meadows in an experimental hunt for explosives, making them new recruits in authorities' efforts to clear away thousands of potentially deadly landmines.

Croatia Celebrates Entry to the European Union

Fireworks lit the sky and festive crowds gathered on the streets to mark Croatia's entry into the European Union, a major milestone some 20 years after the country won independence in a bloody civil war. As the 28th EU member state, Croatia's achievement seems historic because the small Balkan nation of 4.2 million endured years of attacks after declaring independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991.

Police Rescue Giant Sea Turtle From Car's Trunk

After a shootout and high-speed chase (both initiated by the suspects), Costa Rican police found a giant endangered leatherback turtle in the trunk of the car -- still alive.

A Bridge in Costa Rica Helps People Reach Their Dreams

El Puente - The Bridge - helps people to help themselves in Southern Costa Rica. A longtime reader of the Good News Network, Barry Stevens, the founder of the bridge, needs a hand this month to meet the expenses of his School Program, Food Program and Microloan Program. If you can help, visit the donation page.