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Jeanne Goddard

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National Donate for Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month, a time to bring awareness to the astounding fact that with a simple choice today, you can save a life. Really. You can give someone their life.

Optimism is Healthy

A 2006 Dutch study of elderly men found a lower risk for cardiovascular death for those identified as optimistic. The research found optimism to be associated with a 50 percent lower risk of death from heart attack in men studied over 15 years. Higher optimism scores were associated with younger age, higher education, less often […]

Good Jobs Report Boosts US Economy

The overall unemployment rate ticked down last month. But the real good news is the past upward revisions showing the economy added more than 350,000 private sector jobs over the past three months. Other positive economic reports also came out for the U.S. this week.

Dow Hits 12,000, Consumers Confidence Soars, too

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has once again topped 12,000 -- a level not seen since the summer of 2008, and the consumer confidence level shot up this month to its highest level in 8 months.

Off His Meds by Christmas After Only 6 Weeks of Veg Diet

He is living proof that chronic heart disease can be reversed in weeks. 56 year-old Mark had a history of heart problems and eventually had to have stents implanted and tubing in his legs. Until recently, he was on ten different medications.

Latin American Poverty Levels Fall to Lowest in Two Decades

Poverty rates in Latin America have dropped to their lowest levels in 20 years, according to a new United Nations report which points to higher wages as a key factor in the continent's development despite the global economic crisis. Between 1990 and 2010, the poverty rate decreased 17 percent.

Reopening of Maine Paper Mill Stirs Hope

Gloom is giving way to a glow of optimism in two northern Maine towns as a pair of paper mills, once the lifeblood of industry there, is back, and a closely related new industry knocks on the door.

U.S. Health Care: The Good News - A New PBS Documentary

You don't often find the words health care and good news in the same sentence, but in a new Public Television documentary, we learn that while groups on all sides argue the merits and limitations of reform initiatives, a few American communities are already getting the job done. Correspondent T.R. Reid reports they are accomplishing what few have been able to do – deliver quality care for reasonable cost, and in some cases cover just about everybody in town.

Mortgage Lenders to Pay $26 billion Settlement on 'Robo-Signing' Foreclosure Debacle

The White House and the attorneys general of 49 states announced an agreement with the nation's five largest mortgage providers to provide at least $25 billion to address mortgage and foreclosure abuses. It will not only help thousands of working families right now, it will establish new protections for homeowners going forward.

Mom Who was Criticized for Letting Her Kid Walk Alone, Transforms Town

A few years ago, a mom in a small Mississippi town was chastised by neighbors and the press for teaching her 10-year-old son to walk to soccer practice by himself. A cop picked him up, scolded him about safety, and warned the mother that she could be prosecuted for "child endangerment." It was the turning point that led to the transformation of attitudes and laws in their town.

Fewer Kids Dying From Leukemia, Study Shows

Kids with one type of leukemia are living longer than they used to, most likely thanks to new drug combinations that mean fewer patients are relapsing after a first round of treatment.