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Jeanne Goddard

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Police Clown Units in Mexico Befriend Youth to Prevent Crime

In Tultitlán, Mexico, where the police officers are considered some of the most corrupt in Latin America, children who are victims of domestic violence, susceptible to drug sales and bullying, are being helped by cops with big smiles and red noses.

First Graders' Acts of Kindness Catch On

An Indiana school district had an idea of how to get students and staff to show more kindness to each other. They are jotting down on colorful sticky notes the acts of kindness experienced throughout the day. The walls of every Vigo County school now blossom with tiny colorful thank-you's -- even at the high school level.

Taliban Can't Silence Malala who Celebrates 16th Birthday with Defiant UN Address

The Pakistani child education activist who was shot in the head nine months ago by Taliban militants celebrated her 16th birthday by delivering a speech at the United Nations. Speaking to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the 500 youth and dignitaries gathered, Malala Yousafzai said that the gunmen could not silence her because knowledge and education is more powerful than their bullets.

Calif Legislature Votes YES on 11-year-old's Anti-bullying Campaign

A 6th grade boy, Gerry Orz, persuaded the California state government to declare December 12 as a Day of Silence to officially honor the victims of bullying who cannot speak for themselves. He's calling on schools and people everywhere to take 12 seconds at 12 o'clock on 12/12 to mark in silent reflection.

Most Influential Adult at Trinity High School? The Janitor.

Perhaps no adult employed at Trinity High School has had more influence over students or changed more young lives than Charles Clark, the school's custodian. Clark has mentored countless kids in need of a father figure at the Texas high school, even housing several of them in his home over the years. In the beginning, he took the custodial position thinking he would keep it until he found something better, but 24 years later, he still hasn't found it. Now Clark, 63, has bested more than 400 teachers, administrators and school district employees from 33 states to become the LifeChanger of the Year Grand Prize Winner.

Cash-strapped School Sees 'Outpouring of Love' After Newspaper Reveals Budget

A report in the Philadelphia Inquirer in November featured a school in Germantown that didn't have any extra money in their budget to even buy all the paper they would need. At first, readers responded by sending in reams of paper to Lingelbach Elementary. But then thousands of dollars in donations started arriving -- enough to update books in their library and provide supplies to every teacher.

School With Bikes Instead Of Desks Offers Better Way To Learn

The Read and Ride program at Ward began five years ago. One classroom is equipped with enough exercise bikes for a full class of students, and teachers bring students throughout the day to use them. As they ride, their reading scores improve.