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Jeanne Goddard

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How a Museum Exhibit is Changing Lives in Los Angeles

A 10-year-old boy was moved to tears when he saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour fly over his school on its way to its new home at the California Science Center and even more excited when he could walk around the gargantuan space craft at the museum, touching the tires that flew in space. Suddenly he saw the possibilities of a career in math, science, technology and engineering.

Saying Thanks in Public to Favorite Teachers = Heart-warming

Some people were given an opportunity recently to broadcast their thanks to a favorite teacher. When they say a few words before a camera about how those teachers changed their lives for the better, the video becomes a moving testament to millions of teachers.

Stunned Principal Surprised With "Oscars of Teaching" Award- WATCH

Connecticut principal Desi Nesmith had no idea that the special school assembly he orchestrated to honor an educator with $25,000 was actually a surprise event set-up to honor his own achievements. First there was shock, and then tears started to flow after his name was announced as the winner of the national Milken Educator Award.

Ellen DeGeneres Helps Heroic Teacher Who Pledged to Work for Free

Last month, teachers in Chester, Pennsylvania were hailed as heroes when they pledged to work for free after their school ran out of money. The Ellen DeGeneres Show presented a teacher representative with some surprises, including a $100,000 check for their school.

Google Gives $600K to Calif. Teachers to Spend in Classrooms

Because most teachers spend their own money to simply buy classroom supplies, imagine the joy across San Francisco area schools last week, when 604 teachers opened the mail to discover that Google would spend more than $600,000 to fund special requests teachers made for outside money to fund pet projects.

American Millionaires Rewrite Their Own Image

A group called Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength came to Washington, DC this week to ask the debt reduction Super Committee to raise taxes on millionaires so that everyone can pay their fair share. Emphasizing community responsibility over greed, 200 millionaires signed a letter that calls for Bush-era tax cuts to end for those earning more than a million dollars a year.

Green Australians Reusing 90% of Food Waste

Australian Food and Grocery Council revealed that about 90% of waste and by-products from food and grocery manufacturers surveyed was being reused or recycled, with less than 10% going to landfill.