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Ellen DeGeneres Helps Heroic Teacher Who Pledged to Work for Free

Ellen DeGeneres Helps Heroic Teacher Who Pledged to Work for Free
Last month, teachers in Chester, Pennsylvania were hailed as heroes when they pledged to work for free after their school ran out of money. The Ellen DeGeneres Show presented a teacher representative with some surprises, including a $100,000 check for their school.

Last month, teachers in Chester, Pennsylvania were hailed as heroes when they pledged to work for free after their school district ran out of the funds to make payroll.

The leader of the teacher movement, Sara Ferguson, sat in Michelle Obama's box at the State of the Union address, and appeared as a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday to discuss the experience.

The segment included footage of the district's impoverished students and the revelation that the school lost 40% of its teachers and 50% of support staff, due to budget cuts. DeGeneres applauded the teachers who were putting their students first.

Thanks to her new partnership with JCPenney, she presented Ferguson with some surprises, including a $100,000 check for her school.

(WATCH the video below, or read the story in Good.is)

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