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Jeanne Goddard

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Single Antibody Found To Shrink Seven Different Cancers

Stanford researchers found an antibody that was found to dramatically shrink or eradicate human cancer tumors that were transplanted into laboratory mice, no matter which type of cancer created the tumor. The research is unique in the variety of solid cancers that responded to the antibody.

Single Antibody Found To Shrink Seven Different Cancers

Stanford researchers found an antibody that was found to dramatically shrink or eradicate human cancer tumors that were transplanted into laboratory mice, no matter which type of cancer created the tumor. The research is unique in the variety of solid cancers that responded to the antibody.

Top Ten Innovations You've Never Heard Of

Here are the Top Ten Innovations from 2009 that will lead us, with chin up, into the next decade. From new technologies that strip pollution from our oceans and air, to household devices that cut carbon emissions; from a possible cure for honeybee colony collapse, to a breakthrough on Alzheimer's, these bright innovations will ignite […]

Top Ten Innovations You've Never Heard Of

Here are the Top Ten Innovations from 2009 that will lead us, with chin up, into the next decade. From new technologies that strip pollution from our oceans and air, to household devices that cut carbon emissions; from a possible cure for honeybee colony collapse, to a breakthrough on Alzheimer's, these bright innovations will ignite […]

Scientists Target Cancer With Light Particles

New Zealand scientists have developed tiny "light" particles that can seek out and destroy cancer cells. Victoria University synthetic chemist Richard Tilley said researchers had established the tools to detect cancer when it was at the stage of a single diseased cell - well ahead of some MRI scans.

Gene Therapy for AIDS Hailed as 'Major Advance'

The largest clinical trial ever to administer genetically altered cells into humans with HIV revealed that the therapy was safe and effective and may lead to a cure for HIV. The test involving 74 patients at UCLA was hailed as a "major advance in the field" of HIV research.

Alzheimer Symptoms Reversed With Stem Cells

A new stem cell treatment reverses Alzheimer-like memory impairment in mice, according to researchers at the University of South Florida and James A. Haley Hospital. Based on the promising findings, the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation is funding a pilot clinical trial on humans.

Top Ten Innovations From 2008

Any list of the top achievements in science and energy is a list that glows with promise and hope. 2008 is no different. The year provided the Good News Network with many stories, from the health-related, to transportation and energy-related, that struck us with awe and inspiration. Here are ten of the best:

Top Ten Innovations From 2008

Any list of the top achievements in science and energy is a list that glows with promise and hope. 2008 is no different. The year provided the Good News Network with many stories, from the health-related, to transportation and energy-related, that struck us with awe and inspiration. Here are ten of the best:

Habanero Peppers Wilt Cancer Cells

Capsaicin, the compound that makes you sweat and your tounge burn after eating habanero peppers, is responsible for inducing the death of prostate cancer cells.

First Hints That Stem Cells Can Help Patients Get Better

Two women losing their sight to progressive forms of blindness may have regained some vision while participating in an experiment testing a treatment made from human embryonic stem cells, the first time researchers directly helped patients with these types of stem cells.