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Alzheimer Symptoms Reversed With Stem Cells

Alzheimer Symptoms Reversed With Stem Cells
A new stem cell treatment reverses Alzheimer-like memory impairment in mice, according to researchers at the University of South Florida and James A. Haley Hospital. Based on the promising findings, the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation is funding a pilot clinical trial on humans.

A new stem cell treatment reverses Alzheimer-like memory impairment in mice, according to researchers at the University of South Florida and James A. Haley Hospital. Based on the promising findings, the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation is funding a pilot clinical trial on humans.

The researchers studied 52 elderly mice with symptoms mimicking Alzheimer's disease and confirmed through a series of tests that the treated mice demonstrated clearly improved memory, performing as well on behavioral tests as their non-Alzheimer's counterparts.

(Read about the science at Science Daily)


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