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Jeanne Goddard

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Trans Fats Banned in California Restaurant Food

Doctors across the United States commended California which enacted legislation on Friday making it the first U.S. state to prohibit restaurants from preparing food with trans fats, which clog arteries and raise the risk of heart disease.

Hillary Steps Out, Dancing in Johannesburg

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got her groove on in South Africa last week, dancing at a party in Johannesburg, as the crowd of attendees cheered along with the country's foreign minister who hosted the dinner.

100 of the Greatest YouTube Hits in Four Minutes

A YouTube fan spent even more free time assembling 100 of the greatest YouTube moments into a 4 minute montage, so we can all spend even more time watching others act like crazy people.

Swedes Are Such Good Recyclers They've Run Out of Garbage

With the highly successful recycling habits of Swedish households - they sent just 4% of their waste to landfills in 2011 - comes the enviable problem of running out of trash to burn in their national waste-to-energy program.