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She Overcame Her Past to Become a Marine and Mentor to Abused Girls

Growing up in 13 different foster homes and the pain of physical and sexual abuse left Tina Thomas feeling empty and incomplete. But Tina is a survivor and no longer can be defined by her past. Fate intervened in her teen years when, despite never having broken the law, she was assigned a probation officer, Mary Beth Ryan. That summer, Ryan asked Tina to be a peer mentor at a special camp for abused girls. It changed her life forever.

Magician Surprises Veteran with New Car and Year of Rent (Video)

After a video went viral in October showing a magician ripping up a homeless man's sign and turning it into money, a fund was set up that raised $40K for the veteran to get him off the street. When the humble vet only wanted a portion of the money, the magician surprised another struggling veteran with an avalanche of life-changing gifts, and made a beautiful video.

Soldier Who Suffered Severe Injuries in Iraq Inspires Town with Positive Attitude

When the students in a U.S. history classes learned that local war hero Jerral Hancock had once got stuck in his modest mobile home for half a year when his handicapped-accessible van broke down, and that the hallways of his tiny house were so narrow he couldn't get his wheelchair through most of them, they decided to build him a home. And, that's just what they did.

Hundreds of Strangers Flock to Funeral for WWII Soldier Who Died Alone

His death at 99, one of the last survivors of successful British battles of World War II, might have been a lonely service in an almost empty chapel. But on Monday, after a newspaper appeal led to an internet campaign highlighting the forgotten war veteran, hundreds of people who never knew him came to pay their respects at his funeral – poignantly held at 11am on Armistice Day, 11/11