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United Nations

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Ted Turner Donates $1 Billion to the U.N.

Trying to set a new standard for gallantry, billionaire Ted Turner announced to a delighted gathering of United Nations supporters that he would donate one billion dollars to U.N. efforts to help the poorest people of the world.

Pharrell's Song Happy Joins UN for Intl Day of Happiness

Having just performed at the Academy Awards, where he sang his Oscar-nominated hit "Happy" and danced with A-list actresses in the front row, Pharrell Williams is partnering with the United Nations Foundation to promote the annual International Day of Happiness, Thursday, March 20.

World Makes Stunning Progress in Education of Young Children

Over the past 12 years, the world has made stunning progress toward the goal of having more children attend primary school. In sub-Saharan Africa, enrollment in primary school is up 18 percent; and globally, the number of young children not attending school has been cut by 35 percent -- a huge achievement.

Steep Decline in Child Deaths Worldwide Continues in 2011

Countries across the world are continuing to make rapid progress in reducing child deaths. According to a new UN report, trends in child mortality since 1990 shows that major reductions have been made in all regions for children under five, translating into a sharp drop in total deaths from nearly 12 million in 1990 to an estimated 6.9 million in 2011.