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Woman Who Escaped Marriage at 17 Returns as a Millionaire

In what is a 'rags to riches' story, Chanda Zaveri fled from the pressures of getting married at 17 and returned home 30 years later as a millionaire. Born in a conservative Marwari family, her mother wanted to force her into a marriage that she did not want and a life that she did not choose.

17 Year-Old Out To Prove That Guys Are Not Idiots!

Rob Sowell, 17, has always loved children. Even when he was in elementary school, he gave up recesses to watch the smaller kids while their teachers stepped out. But he feels as a teenager that society unfairly views with disfavor the expressing of his love...Rob set out to change things.

Woman Who Escaped Marriage at 17 Returns as a Millionaire

In what is a 'rags to riches' story, Chanda Zaveri fled from the pressures of getting married at 17 and returned home 30 years later as a millionaire. Born in a conservative Marwari family, her mother wanted to force her into a marriage that she did not want and a life that she did not choose.

Happy Adolescents Likely to Have Higher Incomes as Adults

Are you sure money can't buy you happiness? New research suggests that the relationship between money and happiness and is far more complex. Two leading economists claim that the happiness levels of teens clearly determined the likelihood of whether they would go on to earn higher incomes later in life.

GM to Invest $1.3B in 5 Midwest Factories

General Motors announced plans to invest $1.2 billion in new equipment and expansions at five Midwest factories. GM's investment, mostly in three Michigan plants, will retain or add about 1,000 jobs. The expansion plans were announced Monday, the same day a new study was released, compiled by the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, that estimated the rescue of GM and Chrysler saved 2.6 million jobs in 2009 and 1.5 million in 2010.